Fingerprints of a church
Every church has its own ‘fingerprint’. The leader(s) of a fellowship are just one curve of the print. Each ‘member in particular’ of...
Fingerprints of a church
The damage of porn
Take the Opportunity
#5 of 5 Godly Order in the Home and in the Church
#4 of 5: Continual, Incremental Growth
#3 of 5: Exclusivity to the Word of God
#2 of 5: An Eternal Perspective
#1 of 5: The Power of the Father seen in Signs & Wonders
What Next?
teach people to be hungry
The purpose of the 'earnest section'
Your Community
The purpose of the 'open mic'
Set the table
Ask for the Old Paths
The Holy Spirit is Undiminished